March 31, 2010

Circa 1900s - 1920s

The Sartorialist has been posting photos from the early 1900's and I am absolutely smitten. As with all photos, each one has a story. I imagine what life was like back then as I'm reading each one. All I can see is romance, glamour and beauty. Seriously, they're all so good looking.

^her story was quite funny

^ohmahgoodness so goodlooking

^him too

I know my grandparents have photos from when they were young... Hopefully J and I will get to use them for our wedding... to acknowledge our family and history. =)
My grandpa, who is a retired pastor, has pictures of him and my grandmother walking with bibles in hand. It's quite cute. He also has family portraits from when he was about 10 years old. Can I just say, what a good looking family! hehe. My granddaddy was a honey collector(which explains my grandpa's love of honey haha). He became a very successful businessman and his family lived a comfortable life. That wasn't the case for my grandma. She lived a humble life.. sometimes going a day without dinner. Her family portrait was taken when my grandmother was about 3 years old. She had the craziest, messiest set of hair and a runny nose as well. LOL She laughs now too, but you can tell by the way she talks that it was not easy living back then.
I love my grandparents so so much. I can't wait to hear more stories so I can share them with my children and they can share with their children. =)

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